Stefan Gabos | webdeveloper
Example for: Zebra_Form, a jQuery augmented PHP library for HTML form building and validation


Showcasing how elements can be validated only if other elements meet certain conditions and how callback functions for the "dependencies" rule work.

Your email address will not be published.
Enter your phone number using digits only
Enter the address where the notifications about promotional offers should be delivered
  • try clicking on the submit button without filling the form and then, as you fill the form, to see the JavaScript validation in action
  • for each example, notice how the PHP code of the form remains basically unchanged, despite the template variations
  • disable JavaScript to see the server-side validation in action
  • although in all my examples I use HTML output, you can switch to XHTML output by using the doctye method
  • try the example in another browser and see that it works, out of the box. including IE6!

     // include the Zebra_Form class
    require 'path/to/Zebra_Form.php';

    // instantiate a Zebra_Form object
    $form = new Zebra_Form('form');

    // add the "name" element
    $form->add('label', 'label_name', 'name', 'Your name');
    $obj = $form->add('text', 'name');

    // set rules
        'required'  => array('error', 'Name is required!'),

    // "notifications"
    $form->add('label', 'label_notifications', 'notifications', 'Would you like to be informed about promotional offers?');
    $obj = $form->add('radios', 'notifications', array(
        'yes'   =>  'Yes',
        'no'    =>  'No',
        'required'  =>  array('error', 'Please select an answer!'),

    // "method"
    $form->add('label', 'label_method', 'method', 'Please specify how you would like to be notified about promotional offers:');
    $obj = $form->add('checkboxes', 'method[]', array(
        'email' =>  'By e-mail',
        'phone' =>  'By phone',
        'post'  =>  'By land mail',
        'required'  =>  array('error', 'Please specify how you would like to be notified about promotional offers!'),
        'dependencies'   =>  array(array(
            'notifications' =>  'yes',
        // whenever the value of "notification" changes, call this function and pass as second argument the value "1"
        ), 'mycallback, 1'),

    // "email"
    $form->add('label', 'label_email', 'email', 'Your email address:');
    $obj = $form->add('text', 'email');
        'required'  =>  array('error', 'Email is required!'),
        'email'     =>  array('error', 'Email address seems to be invalid!'),
        'dependencies'   =>  array(array(
            'method'        =>  'email',
        ), 'mycallback, 2'),
    $form->add('note', 'note_email', 'email', 'Your email address will not be published.');

    // "phone"
    $form->add('label', 'label_phone', 'phone', 'Your telephone number:');
    $obj = $form->add('text', 'phone');
        'required'  =>  array('error', 'Phone number is required!'),
        'digits'    =>  array('', 'error', 'Phone number must contain only digits!'),
        'dependencies'   =>  array(array(
            'method'    =>  'phone',
        ), 'mycallback, 3'),
    $form->add('note', 'note_phone', 'phone', 'Enter your phone number using digits only');

    // "post"
    $form->add('label', 'label_post', 'post', 'Your postal address:');
    $obj = $form->add('text', 'post');
        'required'  =>  array('error', 'Postal address is required!'),
        'dependencies'   =>  array(array(
            'method'    =>  'post',
        ), 'mycallback, 4'),
    $form->add('note', 'note_post', 'post', 'Enter the address where the notifications about promotional offers should be delivered');

    // "why"
    $form->add('label', 'label_why', 'why', 'Please tell us why:');
    $obj = $form->add('textarea', 'why');
        'required'  =>  array('error', 'Please leave us a message!'),
        'dependencies'   =>  array(array(
            'notifications' =>  'no',
        ), 'mycallback, 5'),

    // "submit"
    $form->add('submit', 'btnsubmit', 'Submit');

    // if the form is valid
    if ($form->validate()) {

        // show results

    // otherwise
    } else


    in reality you'd have this in an external stylesheet;
    i am using it like this for the sake of the example
<style type="text/css">
    .Zebra_Form .optional { padding: 10px 50px; display: none }

    again, in reality you'd have this in an external JavaScript file;
    i am using it like this for the sake of the example
<script type="text/javascript">
    var mycallback = function(value, segment) {
        $segment = $('.optional' + segment);
        if (value) $;
        else $segment.hide();

<?php echo (isset($zf_error) ? $zf_error : (isset($error) ? $error : ''))?>

<div class="row">
    <?php echo $label_name . $name?>

<div class="row">

    <?php echo $label_notifications?>
    <div class="cell"><?php echo $notifications_yes?></div>
    <div class="cell"><?php echo $label_notifications_yes?></div>
    <div class="clear"></div>

    <div class="optional optional1">

        <?php echo $label_method?>
        <div class="cell"><?php echo $method_email?></div>
        <div class="cell"><?php echo $label_method_email?></div>
        <div class="clear"></div>

        <div class="optional optional2">
            <?php echo $label_email . $email . $note_email?>

        <div class="cell"><?php echo $method_phone?></div>
        <div class="cell"><?php echo $label_method_phone?></div>
        <div class="clear"></div>

        <div class="optional optional3">
            <?php echo $label_phone . $phone . $note_phone?>

        <div class="cell"><?php echo $method_post?></div>
        <div class="cell"><?php echo $label_method_post?></div>
        <div class="clear"></div>

        <div class="optional optional4">
            <?php echo $label_post . $post . $note_post?>


    <div class="cell"><?php echo $notifications_no?></div>
    <div class="cell"><?php echo $label_notifications_no?></div>
    <div class="clear"></div>

    <div class="optional optional5">
        <?php echo $label_why . $why?>


<div class="row last"><?php echo $btnsubmit?></div>
<!-- must be in strict mode! -->
<!doctype html>



        <meta charset="utf-8">

        <title>Zebra_Form Example</title>

        <!-- load Zebra_Form's stylesheet file -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/zebra_form.css">




            the content from the "PHP Source" tab goes here


        <!-- we're loading the JavaScript files at the bottom of the page so we don't delay page rendering -->

        <!-- try to load jQuery from CDN server and fallback to local source if not available -->
        <script src="//"></script>
        <script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="path/to/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"><\/script>')</script>

        <!-- load Zebra_Form's JavaScript file -->
        <script src="path/to/zebra_form.js"></script>

